Before getting started, make a note of your RapidFort host.
- On-Premises: IP address of your RapidFort EC2 instance
- SaaS:
Install the RapidFort CLI Tools
First, verify that your GitLab runner meets the minimum requirements for installing the RapidFort CLI tools.
Install the RapidFort CLI tools on the GitLab runner. For example, you can add the following code to your .gitlab-ci.yml file:
- |
# Install the RapidFort CLI tools only if they are not already installed
if test -x "$(command -v rflogin)" ; then
# Verify HTTPS connectivity to the RapidFort host before installation
timeout 15 nc -vz <rapidfort_host> 443
# Download and install the RapidFort CLI tools
curl -ks https://<rapidfort_host>/cli/ | bash
Generate a RapidFort Access Key
Next, generate a RapidFort access key and update the GitLab runner. Refer to
The GitLab runner can now log into RapidFort with rflogin, which will use the cached credentials. This eliminates the need to specify an email address and password.
The GitLab runner can also log into RapidFort by running rflogin with an email address and password:
rflogin <email_address> <password>
We do not recommend running this within your GitLab pipeline since your password will be exposed in the GitLab logs.
Update your build stage with the following:
Run rflogin to log into RapidFort
Run rfstub to generate a stub image
Push the stub image to your registry
stage: build
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# Log into RapidFort
# Generate a stub image
rfstub <docker_image:tag>
# Push the stub image to your registry
docker push <docker_image:tag>-rfstub
By default, rfstub will append -rfstub to the original image tags when generating a stub image. For example:
Original Image:
Stub Image:
Test Your Stub Images
Update your test stages to run and test your stub images. This enables RapidFort to profile your containers at runtime.
Running stub images requires adding one or more Linux kernel capabilities.
Update your AWS Fargate task definition to test your stub image (<docker_image:tags>-rfstub) and add the SYS_PTRACE capability to the linuxParameters section:
"linuxParameters" : {
"capabilities" : {
"add" : ["SYS_PTRACE"],
"drop" : null
Update your harden stage with the following:
Run rflogin to log into RapidFort
Run rfharden to generate a hardened image
Push the hardened image to your registry
stage: harden
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# Log into RapidFort
# Generate a hardened image from the stub image
rfharden <docker_image:tag>-rfstub
# Push the hardened image to your registry
docker push <docker_image:tag>-rfhardened
By default, rfharden will append -rfhardened to the original image name when generating a hardened image. For example:
Original Image:
Hardened Image: