Basic Usage
To generate a stub image, run:
rfstub <registry>/<repository>:<tag>
For example:
Command Line Parameters
Stub Image Tag
By default, rfstub generates a stub image with -rfstub appended to the original image tag.
For example, the following command will generate a stub image called
You may specify a different tag for the stub image with -o <stub_image_tag>:
rfstub <registry>/<repository>:<tag> -o <stub_image_tag>
For example, the following command will generate a stub image called
rfstub -o my-stub-tag
If a RapidFort image (stub image or hardened image) with the same name already exists on the client system, then rfstub will automatically rename the existing RapidFort image.
For example, if there is already a stub image on the client system named and a new stub image is generated with the same tag, then:
- The existing stub image will be renamed to<rapidfort_id>
For example:
The new stub image will be named
For example, if the original image is named and a stub image is generated with the same tag (-o v1.2.3), then the original image will be untagged and the stub image will be named
Workload tags enable reusing and combining hardening profiles.
Specify a workload tag name (maximum 128 characters) with -t <workload_tag>:
rfstub nginx:latest -t "my-workload-tag"
You may optionally specify a workload tag description (maximum 512 characters) with -d <workload_tag_description>:
rfstub nginx:latest -t "my-workload-tag" -d "My workload tag description"
For more information on workload tags, please visit
Credentials FileBy default, rfstub expects the RapidFort credentials file to be located in ~/.rapidfort/credentials. To override this, specify -c <rapidfort_credentials_file>:
rfstub <image> -c /path/to/rapidfort/credentials
Deploy and test your stub image. Add the SYS_PTRACE Linux kernel capability when running your stub image so that RapidFort can trace the runtime behavior.
Note that if you have already generated a hardening profile, then you can harden the stub image using workload tags or RapidFort GUIDs.
To view and download reports, visit the RapidFort dashboard or run:
rfinfo -s <rapidfort_guid>