How to obtain a Product License

The RapidFort SASM Platform requires a license. Contact RapidFort support to obtain the license.

The RapidFort super administrator user is responsible for managing the RapidFort license. The super administrator user is the user associated with the initial RapidFort deployment.

  1. Log into the RapidFort User Interface (https://<rapidfort_host>) as the super administrator user
  2. Navigate to Settings -> System -> License Details page
    1. Copy the license request JSON displayed from step 2.
    2. Send the license request JSON to
  3. RapidFort Support will review your request and generate a license key
  4. To apply the RapidFort license key, copy and paste the license key and click the Submit license button
  5. View the license details at the top of the License Details page