Kubernetes (EKS) environment using Helm chart


  • Kubernetes 1.19+
  • Helm 3.0.0+
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account
    • S3 Bucket for RapidFort data
    • IAM User with Read/Write/List/Delete permissions for the S3 bucket
      • AWS Access Key ID
      • AWS Secret Access Key
  • The node on which the iso-master RapidFort microservice will be deployed should have at least 2 TB of storage

The RapidFort Helm Chart is based on the Nginx Ingress Controller and creates an ingress rule. Refer to Nginx Ingress Controller Deployment for more information.


Before deploying RapidFort SASM platform, install and set up Kubernetes and Helm.

  1. Create an S3 bucket and an IAM user with Read/List/Write permissions for the S3 bucket.
  2. Get the RapidFort Helm Chart
    1. Get the RapidFort Helm Chart
    2. git clone https://github.com/rapidfort/rapidfort.git
  3. Step 3: Update values.yaml


For more information on available parameters, please refer to Parameters


Update secret


aws_access_key_id: ""

aws_secret_access_key: ""

aws_default_region: ""

s3_bucket: ""

rf_app_admin: ""

rf_app_admin_passwd: ""

rf_app_host: ""

Update the values in the secret section.

aws_access_key_id: Specify the AWS Access Key ID.

aws_secret_access_key: Specify the AWS Secret Access Key.

aws_default_region: Specify the AWS region (e.g. us-east-1, us-west-2, etc) in which RapidFort will be deployed.

s3_bucket: Specify the name (not the ARN) of the S3 bucket that you created for RapidFort.

Example: For AWS Commercial

ARN: arn:aws:s3::::rapidfort-s3

Name: rapidfort-s3

rf_s3_bucket: rapidfort-s3

Example: For AWS GovCloud

ARN: arn:aws-gov:s3::::rapidfort-s3

Name: rapidfort-s3

rf_s3_bucket: rapidfort-s3

rf_app_admin: Specify the email address for the admin user. RapidFort will send a confirmation email when the deployment is ready.

rf_app_admin_passwd: Specify a temporary password for the admin user. You may change your password after logging into the RapidFort user interface.

rf_app_host: If you have a static IP address or hostname, then specify this. Otherwise, specify the IP address of the deployment.

Update global


rf_app_host: ""

rf_app_host: If you have a hostname or static IP address, then specify this here. Otherwise, leave this blank to assign a dynamic IP address to the RapidFort deployment.

sc and ingress


enabled: false


enabled: true

sc: Leave this value as-is (enabled: false).

ingress: If you are using an NGINX ingress controller, then set enabled: true.

Update RapidFort Services


enabled: true


repository: "public.ecr.aws/rapidfort/aggregator-exe"

tag: "1.1.0-74bca60-2910-rfhardened"


enabled: true


repository: "public.ecr.aws/rapidfort/backend-exe"

tag: "1.1.0-fe79693-2910-rfhardened"


enabled: true

authUrl: ""


repository: "public.ecr.aws/rapidfort/frontrow"

tag: "1.1.0-c8e4edb-2910-rfhardened"

# other RapidFort services…

For each RapidFort service, update the repository and tag if necessary.

      • aggregator
      • backend
      • Frontrow
        • authUrl: Set this to the same value as the global rf_app_host.
      • iso-master
      • rf-scan
      • rfapi
      • rfpubsub
      • Runner

Update logger


enabled: false


rf_s3_bucket: ""

aws_default_region: ""

If you would like to enable the logger, then update the following values:

      1. enabled: true
    •   rf_s3_bucket: Specify the name (not the ARN) of the S3 bucket where the logs  
      1.  Example: AWS Commercial 

    ARN: arn:aws:s3::::rapidfort-s3

    Name: rapidfort-s3

    rf_s3_bucket: rapidfort-s3

      •  Example: AWS GovCloud

    ARN: arn:aws-gov:s3::::rapidfort-s3

    Name: rapidfort-s3

    rf_s3_bucket: rapidfort-s3

          • aws_default_region: Specify the AWS region (e.g. us-east-1, us-west-2, us-gov-east-1, etc) in which RapidFort will be deployed.
    4. Deploy RapidFort

    Run the following command to deploy RapidFort:

    helm upgrade --install rapidfort ./ -f values.yaml -n <namespace>

    For example, to deploy RapidFort in the rapidfort namespace:

    helm upgrade --install rapidfort ./ -f values.yaml -n rapidfort


    Make sure that the node on which the iso-master RapidFort microservice will be deployed has at least 2 TB of storage.

    Post Deployment

    Welcome Email

    If the deployment was successful, you will receive a welcome email from RapidFort when the system is ready. 


    If you do not receive a welcome email, review the deployment settings and Kubernetes logs.


    Visit the RapidFort Dashboard

    Click on the link in the welcome email and log into the RapidFort dashboard using the email address and password you specified earlier (rf_app_admin and rf_app_admin_passwd). You may change your password after logging in.

    Get a RapidFort License

    The RapidFort dashboard will guide you through the steps for contacting RapidFort Support and requesting a license.

    Upon receipt of the license, log back into the RapidFort dashboard to update the license.

    Congratulations! You are now ready to start optimizing and securing your applications.

    How to Uninstall RapidFort

    To uninstall RapidFort, run the following command:

    helm uninstall rapidfort -n <namespace>

    For example, if you deployed RapidFort in the rapidfort

    helm uninstall rapidfort -n rapidfort