Use profile from a specific image, to harden a container using one or more RapidFort GUIDs
Workload tags are specified when generating stub images. However, if you did not specify a workload tag when generating a stub image or if you would like to use the profile from a specific stub image, you can harden an image using one or more RapidFort GUIDs.
rfharden <stub_image> -t <rapidfort_guid0> -t <rapidfort_guid1> ...
You can harden an image using any combination of workload tags and RapidFort GUIDs.
rfharden <stub_image> -t <workload_tag0> -t <rapidfort_guid0> -t <workload_tag1> ...
Multiple stub images can share the same workload tag. If you would like to harden an image using a workload tag but would also like to exclude the profile information for one or more RapidFort GUIDs that are associated with the workload tag, you can do so by specifying -x <rapidfort_guid_to_exclude>.
rfharden <stub_image> -t <workload_tag> -x <rapidfort_guid_to_exclude>