Harden your Containers on Kubernetes with Docker

If your pre-production/test environment has a K8 cluster and you wish to profile and harden your image in this environment, then this section is for you. In this tutorial, we will stub, test, and harden the MySQL Docker image..

Part 1: Get and Deploy the Original Image

Step 1.1: Pull the Original Image

First, pull the latest MySQL Docker image from Docker Hub:

docker pull mysql:latest

Step 1.2: Push the Original Image to Your Container Registry

Tag the MySQL Docker image and push the image to your container registry so that we can deploy this with Kubernetes.

docker tag mysql:latest registry.example.com/mysql:latest

docker push registry.example.com/mysql:latest


Step 1.3: Deploy the Original Image

Download/copy the sample Kubernetes manifest file (mysql.yaml) for deploying the original image to your client system.

Update the image: field to point to your container registry.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: mysql


name: mysql



- name: mysql

image: registry.example.com/mysql:latest


- name: "MYSQL_USER"

value: "mysql"


value: "mysql"


value: "example"


value: "secret"


- containerPort: 3306

Make a note of the MySQL password (secret).

To deploy the original MySQL container, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f mysql.yaml

Step 1.4: Test the Original MySQL Container

Test the original MySQL container.

kubectl exec -it mysql -- bash

Run the following command. You will be prompted for the MySQL password (secret).

kubectl exec -it mysql -- mysql -u root -p -e 'show databases'

Step 1.5: Remove the Original MySQL Pod

After testing the original MySQL container, run the following command to remove the pod:

kubectl delete -f mysql.yaml

Part 2: Generate and Deploy the Stub Image

Step 2.1: Log into RapidFort

Log into RapidFort. Enter your password if prompted.

rflogin <email_address>


Step 2.2: Generate a Stub Image

Run rfstub to generate a stub image.

rfstub registry.example.com/mysql:latest


By default, this will generate a stub image called registry.example.com/mysql:latest-rfstub.

Step 2.3: Push the Stub Image to the Container Registry

Push the stub image to the container registry so we can deploy this with Kubernetes.

docker push registry.example.com/mysql:latest-rfstub


Step 2.4: Deploy the Stub Image

Download the sample Kubernetes manifest file for deploying the stub image to your client system.

Update the image: field to point to your container registry.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: mysql


name: mysql



- name: mysql

image: registry.example.com/mysql:latest-rfstub



add: ["SYS_PTRACE"]

allowPrivilegeEscalation: true

readOnlyRootFilesystem: false


- name: "MYSQL_USER"

value: "mysql"


value: "mysql"


value: "example"


value: "secret"


- containerPort: 3306

Please note that the Kubernetes manifest file for running the stub image has the following differences from the manifest file for running the original image:

      • The stub manifest file image: field points to the stub image.

      • The stub manifest file contains an additional securityContext section with updates necessary for RapidFort to trace the runtime behavior.

        • The SYS_PTRACE capability must be added

        • Privilege escalation must be allowed (allowPrivilegeEscalation: true)

        • The root filesystem must allow read/write access (readOnlyRootFilesystem: false)



add: ["SYS_PTRACE"]

allowPrivilegeEscalation: true

readOnlyRootFilesystem: false

Please note that you may run the stub image as a non-root user provided that the necessary updates are made to the security context.

Stub images have an additional runtime overhead of approximately 20%. When deploying stub images, please plan to increase CPU and memory resources by 20%.

You may also need to update the livenessProbe and readinessProbe settings.

To deploy the stub MySQL container, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f mysql-stub.yaml

Step 2.5: Test the Stub MySQL Container

Test the stub MySQL container.

kubectl exec -it mysql -- bash

Run the following command. You will be prompted for the MySQL password (secret).

kubectl exec -it mysql -- mysql -u root -p -e 'show databases'

Step 2.6: Verify that Tracing Information is Propagated to the RapidFort Server

Log into the RapidFort dashboard. You should see an image list.

Select the mysql:latest image.

In the left column, select Logs. Verify that the Logs table contains tracing information. You should see file accesses, system calls, and so forth. The Logs table contents are updated in real time.

If the Logs table is empty, please verify the following:

        • The stub image (mysql:latest-rfstub) is currently deployed and running

        • The Kubernetes manifest file for the stub image contains a securityContext section that adds the SYS_PTRACE capability, allows privilege escalation, and allows read/write access to the root filesystem

        • The Kubernetes environment has access to the RapidFort server

When you generate a stub image, RapidFort also scans the original image for packages and known vulnerabilities. You may optionally view the vulnerabilities and packages that were found in the original image from the RapidFort dashboard.

Step 2.7: Remove the Stub MySQL Pod

After testing the stub MySQL container and verifying that profiling information is being propagated to the RapidFort server, run the following command to remove the pod:

kubectl delete -f mysql-stub.yaml

Part 3: Generate and Deploy the Hardened Image

Step 3.1: Harden the Stub Image

Run rfharden to generate a hardened image.

rfharden registry.example.com/mysql:test-rfstub

By default, this will generate a hardened image called registry.example.com/mysql:latest-rfhardened.

Step 3.2: Push the Hardened Image to the Container Registry

Push the hardened image to the container registry so that we can deploy this with Kubernetes.

docker push registry.example.com/mysql:latest-rfhardened

Step 3.3: Deploy the Hardened Image

Download the sample Kubernetes manifest file for deploying the hardened image to your client system.

Update the image: field to point to your container registry.


apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


name: mysql


name: mysql



- name: mysql

image: registry.example.com/mysql:latest-rfhardened


- name: "MYSQL_USER"

value: "mysql"


value: "mysql"


value: "example"


value: "secret"


- containerPort: 3306

Please note that the Kubernetes manifest file for running the hardened image has the following differences from the manifest file for running the original image:

The hardened manifest file image: field points to the hardened image.

To deploy the hardened MySQL container, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f mysql-hardened.yaml

Step 3.4: Test the Hardened MySQL Container

Test the hardened MySQL container.

kubectl exec -it mysql -- bash

Run the following command. You will be prompted for the MySQL password (secret).

kubectl exec -it mysql -- mysql -u root -p -e 'show databases'

Step 3.5: Remove the Hardened MySQL Pod

After testing the hardened MySQL container, run the following command to remove the pod:

kubectl delete -f mysql-hardened.yaml

Step 3.6: Visit the RapidFort Dashboard to view detailed information on the hardened container(Optional)