Harden an Image with Multiple Workload Tags

Pull the NGINX Docker image:

 docker pull nginx:latest

Generate a Stub Image for Unit Tests

Generate a stub image with a workload tag called unit_test: 
rfstub nginx:latest -t unit_test
Test your stub image. For the purposes of this tutorial, you can simply start a new container and then stop the container: 
docker run --rm -it --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p9999:80 nginx:latest-rfstub

Generate a Stub Image for Coverage Tests

Generate another stub image with a workload tag called coverage_test: 
rfstub nginx:latest -t coverage_test
 If a stub image with the same name and tag already exists, RapidFort will automatically generate a new tag for the previous stub image and retag it.
Test your stub image. For the purposes of this tutorial, you can simply start a new container and then stop the container: 
docker run --rm -it --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p9999:80 nginx:latest-rfstub
Generate and Harden a Stub Image with Workload Tags
Generate another stub image, this time without specifying a workload tag: 
rfstub nginx:latest
Harden the new stub image using the unit_test and coverage_test workload tags: 
rfharden nginx:latest-rfstub -t unit_test -t coverage_test

Note that no testing was required to harden the new stub image. Instead, the image was hardened using the profiles from unit_test and coverage_test.