First, we will stub, test, and harden the NGINX Docker image.
For more detailed information, please refer to the Getting Started: Stub and Harden a Container Image with Docker tutorial.
Step 1.1: Pull the NGINX Docker Image
docker pull nginx:latest
Step 1.2: Generate a Stub Image
rfstub nginx:latest
Step 1.3: Run the Stub Image
docker run --rm -it --name=rf-test --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE -p9999:80 nginx:latest-rfstub
Step 1.4: Test the Stub Image
curl localhost:9999
Step 1.5: Stop the Running Instance
docker stop rf-test
Step 1.6: Harden the Stub Image
rfharden nginx:latest-rfstub
Run the hardened image:
docker run --rm -it --name=rf-test -p9999:80 nginx:latest-rfhardened
Attach to the running instance:
docker exec -it rf-test sh
Try to run cat.
cat --help
sh: cat: not found
Now try to run ls.
sh: ls: not found
Use it or lose it! cat and ls were removed from the hardened image because these were not exercised while profiling the stub image.
Stop the running instance.
docker stop rf-test
We will create a profile file and generate a new hardened image using the profile file.
Create a text file called nginx_profile:
If an item in the profile file has dependencies, the profile file must specify all dependencies as well.
Harden the stub image with the profile file.
rfharden nginx:latest -p nginx_profile
Run the hardened image again.
docker run --rm -it --name=rf-test -p9999:80 nginx:latest-rfhardened
Step 2.4: Explore the Hardened Image
Attach to the running instance.
docker exec -it rf-test sh
Verify that cat and ls are now available.
cat --help
Verify that the hardened image does not contain any files in the folders in /usr/share/doc.
For example:
ls /usr/share/doc/sed
The files in the folders in /usr/share/doc were not exercised during profiling. We will update the profile file to keep everything in /usr/share/doc.
Stop the running instance.
docker stop rf-test
Add /usr/share/doc to the nginx_profile file:
Harden the stub image with the updated profile file:
rfharden nginx:latest -p nginx_profile
Run the new hardened image:
docker run --rm -it --name=rf-test -p9999:80 nginx:latest-rfhardened
Attach to the running instance.
docker exec -it rf-test sh
Verify that the hardened image now contains files in the folders in /usr/share/doc.
For example:
ls /usr/share/doc/sed
cat /usr/share/doc/sed/copyright
We generated a stub image, ran and tested the stub image to generate the runtime profile, and then hardened the stub image.
We verified that the hardened image did not contain some items that we wanted to keep. These items were not detected as being used during profiling and were therefore removed during the hardening process.
Therefore, we created a profile file that contained files and directories that we wanted to keep in the hardened image. We generated a new hardened image using the profile file and verified that the hardened image contained the items that we wanted.