AWS Environment

Rotating system credentials and cryptographic keys

All System credentials and cryptographic keys are stored in values.yaml in the RapidFort helm chart. Customers should use the following steps to rotate these credentials and keys:

  1. Rotate respective secrets for MySQL and SMTP services
  2. Update the secrets section in values.yaml
  3. Undeploy helm chart
  4. Redeploy helm chart using installation instructions

Software Patches and Upgrades

RapidFort AMI is built using the latest community AMI. Customers are responsible for upgrading OS packages using yum update (RPM-based system) or apt update (DPKG-based system). RapidFort uses minikube or microk8s to deploy applications, which can be upgraded by following instructions from respective guidelines.

Instructions to upgrade RapidFort deployment (For AMI)

  1. SSH to RapidFort VM
  2. cd /opt/rapidfort/rapidfort
  3. git pull
  4. helm upgrade --install .

Instructions to upgrade RapidFort deployment (For EKS)

  1. git clone/pull latest helm chart
  2. helm upgrade --install .

License Management

The RapidFort application requires a license.

The RapidFort super administrator user is responsible for managing the RapidFort license. The super administrator user is the user associated with the initial RapidFort deployment.

  1. Log into the RapidFort User Interface (https://<rapidfort_host>) as the super administrator user
  2. Navigate to Settings -> System -> License Details page
  3. Follow the instructions to request a RapidFort license key from RapidFort Support
    1. Copy the license request JSON in Step 1
    2. Send the license request JSON to
    3. RapidFort Support will review your request and generate a license key
  4. To apply the RapidFort license key, copy and paste the license key and click the Submit license button
  5. View the license details at the top of the License Details page

Managing AWS Service Limits

AWS accounts have default quotas, formerly referred to as limits, for each AWS service. With AWS Service Quotas, you can view and manage your quotas for AWS services from a central location. Quotas are the maximum values for the resources, actions, and items in your AWS account.

RapidFort AWS Services

The AWS services used in the RapidFort solution are listed below. The AWS Service Quota dashboard can view each service quota for these services, and request increases when necessary. However, the RapidFort platform works within these default quotas/limits. AWS and the AWS marketplace provide various tools to track resource usage and send notifications when limits are approached. That is beyond the scope of the RapidFort platform and up to the customer to configure if they feel it is necessary.

EC2-based deployment Services



CloudWatch (optional)

EKS based deployment Services


